Thursday, January 20, 2011

Down Duvet vs. Traditional Quilt : define Too Hot for me

So, yesterday, a New Yorker wrote about the demise of the comforter or Duvet.  To be Fashionable, we should all be redecorating with more Tailored bed coverings.
One of the reasons given that the Down comforter or Duvet is TOO warm.  Comparable to a wood-burning oven, a sweat factory, a ski parka, gateway to overheating, and simply "hot".  Well, looking around where I am right this moment, a wood-fired stove and a parka would seem to be good choices.  I admit, it doesn't get this cold nationwide very often, and not even here every year.  But, over the course of a lifetime, there seem to always be colder cold nights and hotter hot days. 

Whilst first reading the article, I began to assume that the writer must have never been through a truely cold winter.  But, checking the author's information line, it says New York.  So, that's not a good excuse.  The Weather report one day last week pointed out that there was "some" snow in 49 of the 50 states.  Even Hawaii had snow on a mountaintop.  Only Florida had no measurable snow.  (Let's see if that Weather link stays linked to the 1/13/11 snow map or if it updates?)  If these reports are correct, almost anywhere you are in the US is colder than usual today.  Very few buildings are designed to actually keep comfortable temperatures throughout the entire building during record breaking temperatures.  Columbia University which happens to be in New York posts Space Temperature Guidelines for their buildings.  It mentions people being appropriately dressed for the season; I swear I saw a student slogging through the snow in Converse, kakhi cargo shorts, and a tshirt this morning!  No socks, no coat, no hat!

All of this invariably brings up the subject of Global Warming and one of the best actions to help combat GW should be adjusting the thermostat.  Which leads to a cooler bedroom this time of year, right?  And so, a Comforter would be welcome, would it not?

So, one of my many conclusions is:  The Anti-Comforter movement is therefore Not Green.  If they were Green, they would have a cold bedroom and they would need a warm Comforter.

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