Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas already!

Wow, just finished another awesome Christmas with the family!
One more thing to be grateful for this year.  Family.
Love them all, every one of them.
The tall and the small, the young and the old, the loud and the quiet.
Christmas Eve service with everyone holding a candle with a little paper collar.  Staying up too late talking and rocking babies that can't get to sleep 'cause they're not home in their own bed.  Christmas Sunday service was an added blessing this year.  Can't remember very often that a Christmas has been on Sunday.   Lots of Pew-time made the matriarch of the clan extra proud and happy.  She deserves it, she's earned it.
Movies, and singing and games.  The Kids:  the kids that were little ones just a blink of an eye ago and now sharing their newborns with us.  So many kids in this family that the generations overlap with Cousins having toddlers that are older that the youngest of the Cousins.  How can anyone ever grow up with out Cousins? 
The weather was sooooo mild here this year.  No Snow at all.  Sure, it was muddy out in the field, but the kids could run all over the farm.
Turkey & Stuffing and Riced Potatoes, home canned green beans, warm bread, and Jello Salad and Chex Mix, Pies (6 kinds), holey moley CARB OVERLOAD. 
Sorry we've lost the family members that had such problems with Diabetes.  Mindfull that the Diabetic Train is shining it's light at the end of my genetic tunnel. 

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